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May 2009

I’ve Got a Shovel & A Shotgun And I’m Pretty Sure I’d Never Be Convicted

Preamble: I love my husband and he loves me.

Last night my husband was in the kitchen and took a bowl off the shelf.

“There’s crap all over this bowl. Can you make sure they’re clean before you put them away? This keeps happening.” He railed.

“Uh, ya know what? Sometimes the dishwasher isn’t perfect, if you want the bowl clean why don’t you wash it.” I asked him.

“I don’t wash dishes.” He declared.

“Maybe you should.”

“Listen Jess, I’ve got three stopgaps before the dishes get to me. I’ve got a dishwasher, maid service and a wife. All three of you cost me a fortune. I won’t wash dishes.”

I wanted to respond, but really I was too busy in fits and gales of laughter. I washed the bowl, and then took myself shopping. In fact, I’m going to buy the housekeeper something very nice too.