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January 2010

Blogging IRL

Being a blogger is weird. I don’t call myself anything other than a Mommy Blogger. I’m not a social media consultant, I’m not a social media expert, an explorer or a writer. I’m a Mommy Blogger. I’m a Mommy with a Blog, and frankly the blog could go on any given day. The Mommy part, that’s forever.

I just came home from a really nice evening at Kim Prince’s house. I met some new folks, connected with some who I’d met before, and had a really awkward moment where someone said, “oh are you a blogger?” I kinda froze, avoiding the question.

I cringe when my real life friends are reading my blog. I know, it’s about the strangest thing in the world, but I love that most of my friends don’t actually read this.

I’m starting to have folks recognize me from twitter, Dr. Phil, and Momversation too, and while I stand behind everything I’ve said, and all that I’ve written, it’s weird to not get to introduce yourself to people at the moment that you’re meeting them.

I met some new folks today, and it was really fun to not talk about blogging.