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BlogHer09: Recap Number One Of 943

I don’t think I’ll ever stop talking about BlogHer09. It was an incredible event. After a year of this blog, and a few years elsewhere I’ve finally jumped in and met “my tribe”.

My tribe isn’t Moms, or even only women. My tribe is you. I was so happy to meet so many of my readers, and so many whose blogs I follow. The stack of cards is a mile high, and the pictures… oh y’all took so many pictures.

What I noticed about BlogHer is that the lobby and the sessions had distinctly different tones. While the parties were all about partying (and you know the babes who blog can throw down) the sessions were decidedly altruistic and raw. If you wanted to learn advanced coding it was available, if you wanted to laugh, there was that too.

The AdAge article kinda skeeved me out. I felt bad for the brands, because a lot of thought went into their parties, and what I witnessed was clearly a very different conference than what was reported. As I’ve said before, a headline like 1,398 Women Get It Right probably wouldn’t get much attention.

I did my own giveaways in the lobby. Much like every blogger, it’s hard to walk into a room full of strangers. I’ve chosen a life behind the screen, because I have all the same anxieties you do. I handed out gifts from Sephora, Brainy Baby, I Am Beyond, 10 Again Clothing and Guitar Hero. If you want to make friends, giving them amazing gifts is a great method. It’s really fun to try and find pregnant women to give gifts to, or a size medium, what the heck is a medium? Ooh, that was a dance…

At the moment my stories are completely unedited on Whrrl. I’ll going to edit them up by category and show you the amazing women I met, but do take a look now, and if you see yourself there, please feel free to join the story. I know it’s been three days already, but I still haven’t quite processed the event.

It really was that much.

Ten Again Tees, and Brainy Baby

Sephora, Guitar Hero, and I Am Beyond