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Rapportive: Firefox Plugin For Social Media

If you’re like me, you use Mozilla’s browser Firefox to surf the web. I use Firefox because there are so many fabulous add ons.

Today I found a new great one. Rapportive.

Basically Rapportive takes your gMail account and makes it social. Now, when I get an email from someone Rapportive checks with Gravatar, Rapleaf and Twitter to give you relevant infomation about whomever you are emailing with. Rapportive gives you a right column sidebar with information about your new friend.

If I’m emailing with Stephanie, this is what I see in the right column.

I know that Stephanie is president of a company and all, but to be fair I am a social media expert a maven and a guru. Can you top that?

When you check on your own profile (easiest to do from your sent items folder) you can hover over anything in your profile and update it in two clicks. Rapportive is easy to install if you have firefox, just click here and follow the instructions. If you don’t have Firefox, click here and try browsing like the big kids.

Add ons like Rapportive should be a reminder to keep your LinkedIn profile up to date. Mine isn’t… but gurus and mavens don’t need to worry about things like that.

Hat Tip to James Poling who finds all the good stuff.