This Suburban Housewife Has To Break Party Lines: Goodbye Hatred
I can’t do it. I can’t vote for a Presidential team (because that’s what John McCain and Sarah Palin are) that doesn’t have the courage to say, “we’re not going to be hateful.”
I can’t bring myself to be a part of the party that would not vote for a man because of his father’s religion. I don’t care what color your skin is.
I am an American woman, and (up until W) a consistently conservative voter. Yesterday was Yom Kippur. As I passed by Chabad and noted the 9mm pistols on the guards I remembered that I am a Lincoln Republican. As one of the people they hate, I am in favor of a smaller government and a larger conscience.
Yes, conscience. I cannot have a woman in the White House who wouldn’t use her voice to shush people calling for Obama’s death. I will not have a man in the White House whose battle cry is “Who is Barak Obama?”, knowing that the answer is that he’s a black man with Muslim roots.
On our holiest of days, Jews in America still need to be armed. I strongly suspect that when The Good Ole Boys are tired of chasing down (brown) Muslims and Mexican immigrants (easily confused, no?) they’ll be coming for me and my children.
It’s with a great deal of sadness, and more than a little fear, that I’m resigning myself to voting Democrat in 2008.
Those aren’t speeches Sarah Palin is giving, they’re pep rallies, for the Klan. She’s missing a moral compass that I require in my leader.