It’s Not Like You Need ALL Ten Toes: Plastic Surgery for High Heels
The title of CBS News’ story is Women Undergoing Foot Surgery to Fit into Heels Better. I saw it and thought, “Old news. Everyone gets those collagen injections into the balls of their feet so they can toddle around in sky high heels. Some women have collagen injections to make their feet look younger.” But I was wrong. It’s actually more invasive than some random injections.
Apparently the ladies of New York City are asking surgeons to shorten their toes so that they can fit into high heels.
I find this fascinating. Now keep in mind that I’m not in the shoe business so I don’t know everything there is to know about shoes, but I wear them and lord knows I buy them but… I’m pretty sure shoes come in sizes. Lots of sizes. Big sizes, small sizes, wide sizes, narrow sizes, medium sizes and Dr. Seuss Sizes. There are shoes to fit every foot.
I think (correct me if I’m wrong) that rather than lopping off the part of a foot that provides balance these women could [gasp] buy a larger shoe.
I’m also totally confused about how a toeless New Yorker would resolve the peep toe issue?
Of course I’m just a blogger and I’m not a physician.
There are some acceptable reasons that women would opt to get cosmetic surgery on their feet, including painful bunions or deformities, Dr. William Spielfogel, the head of podiatry at Lennox Hill Hospital in New York and a member of the New York State Podiatric Medical Association, said to In Brenner’s patient’s case, the especially elongated toe cwas causing corns and ulcers that could get infected. Both doctors said when they decide to take on foot surgery patients it is because there is a medical need.
And then I remember that there are also physcians who think that women’s labia need trimming. And just when I think that we’ve done ourselves in I get a text from the always insightful Jonathan Bell that reads:
Please tell your sisters that men don’t give a shit. To be honest, I don’t know if i’ve ever really looked at a woman’s feet. Even one I’ve dated for years. Sad? Maybe. But true.
And then the world felt normal again.