I know this blog sort of looks like it came out of nowhere. It didn’t.
I’m not new to blogging, to social media, to influencing; I’m just newly putting my real name out there.
The reason I started blogging was because of gay rights. I’m not gay, I don’t have anyone in my family who is gay, and I don’t have any close gay friends who are still alive.
The reason I started blogging is because when my dearest love, my Steven, succumbed to AIDS his life partner of 14 years had no rights. I had to pretend I was his sister to get him the care he needed and was entitled to. It was wrong that they needed me, Steven’s homosexuality made him a second class citizen legally.
If you think that Prop 8 is about a wedding, you are sadly mistaken. Prop 8 is about stripping people of their rights to health care, childcare, family, travel and finance. Prop 8 is about the worst sort of hatred and fear.
I know these are hard times for California, but this matters. A lot.
Please watch the video and embed it on your site.
“Fidelity”: Don’t Divorce… from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.
Please make me stop being ashamed of being from California.
Jessica that was a beautiful post. I feel much the same way you do, my godfather was gay. He ended up committing suicide after some horrible events that occurred during his life. I strongly feel the loss of his life could have been prevented if there was not a public attitude that gay people are somehow sick or immoral and therefore do not deserve the same treatment as the rest of us. I have to say I am surprised and disappointed by how Californians chose to deny other human beings the same rights the rest of us have based merely on their sexual orientation.
Yes. Yet another reason why you are my favorite Valley-ite.
I completely agree! Who is CA to take away anyone’s rights? Besides, who cares what the genders are – shouldn’t we all WANT more love in the world?
Another thought on this issue – Prop 8 is based on Christian Statutes. But, everyone isn’t Christian, so that instantly says that, say, Wiccans (where being gay is not negative) automatically have less rights than Christians do…
Thanks for the great post. I was ashamed of California, and even more ashamed of my neighbors. Our town was plastered with Yes on 8 signs…and it was considered insane to think of voting otherwise.
We live in a country based on equality for EVERYONE and it boggles my mind when people don’t quite understand that. It’s shameful…
I am almost as ashamed as being from Idaho, where the LDS church raised a whole boatload of money to pass that vote. That vidoe makes me cry every time I see it. How do I imbed it, though?
This liberal couldn’t celebrate the Obama win for a good week because I was so upset by Prop 8. I’m not gay either, but I’m an American that believes in equal rights. Why oh why does that put me in the minority of registered CA voters?
Someday historians will look back at this and roll their eyes about what stupid people we were, but today, having to live with the fall out of the so-called “morally right” is maddening. How can be so full of hate and think that God would be okay with it?
I had a close friend who was gay so I also witnessed 1st hand all the discrimination. The worst part for him was having to hide part of his life.
Anyhow, this is an issue I feel so passionate about. I was quite stunned about how many ppl unfollowed me on Twitter too for being vocal. But I refuse to back down. I’m usually not one to get all stirred up over politics either. But this is about civil rights for all people.
I posted this video on my blog. I find this whole prop 8 thing with kenneth starr really upsetting. I just cannot fathom why anyone would want to control what other people do. The whole thing is just so sick and twisted. Don’t we want all people to be fundamentally happy? Thinking about prop 8 passing and now this fight to divorce the couples that were married before prop 8 passed is really upsetting and sad to me.
During the months and weeks leading up to the vote on Prop 8, it was discussed during church service on two different Sunday’s by two different staff Pastor’s. One spoke out of old school homophobic ranting, telling us it was an abomination. The other Pastor made me want to stand up during his sermon and yell at the top of my lungs AMEN! He spoke of the message the “christians” were sending was the wrong message. That prop 8 was not going to foster any good will nor will it make the “christians” look like anything but extremists trying to cram their personal ideology onto others, and trample their rights.
I know what my bible states about homosexual relationships, but it also speaks of men who speak with forked tongues, it also speaks of grace and love thy neighbor and condemns murder, lying, lust, etc. We are all familiar with God’s top ten list.
I only know that the God I worship, loves all people. Without bias. He loves us all, despite our flaws and weaknesses. What I read in my bible is that “he who is without sin, may cast the first stone”, and “remove the plank from my own eye, before I try to remove the speck from someone else’s eye”.
I don’t believe that prop 8 was attacking the institution of marriage. I don’t believe for one moment that allowing people who love each other the same rights under the law that I enjoy, takes anything away from my marriage. Their should be equal rights and protection under the law for ALL our citizens.
I don’t want other people deciding how I should be raising my child anymore than I think we should decide who can and can’t enter into a committed marriage. Reversing those marriages that took place before prop 8 makes me angry. Angry enough to get involved in protecting those marriages. Where do I sign up for the protest march in Sacramento? I don’t live too far away from there, dinner and drinks at my house afterwards.
okay y’all I have chills reading the comments.
I’ll get rally/organization information for everyone. It’s important that California represents all of us.
This was a very touching post, Jessica. I worked with APLA through AIDS Walk LA for 3 years before moving to NorCal for school, and I can say that I was introduced to the harsh reality of the fight for gay rights early on. It’s truly eye-opening for a 15-year old to see signs read “turn or burn” break up an otherwise joyous day set aside to celebrate life, hope, and perseverance. Things like Prop 8 did nothing short of imply the very same sentiment of those who take time out of their day to stand on the sidelines and actively promote hate in the name of tradition and God. The true virus coursing through the veins of or society is a product of misunderstanding and a misplaced fear that produce nothing short of institutionalized hate. Margaret Cho said it best: “I just want Jesus to come back and say, ‘That’s not what I meant!'”
I only hope that one day soon understanding comes to those who most need it, because it’s on that day that they will realize they don’t need to be afraid of love.
Oh WillibaldoEa that is just awful. I sat in the offices at APLA for hours trying to learn how to apply for Services and arranging hot meals from Project Angel Food.
I cannot begin to tell you the good work they do. They gave me time with my family by streamlining things.
I will definitely be embedding this video on my blog. I had to write and tell you that I cried when I saw it, and I’m not really given towards crying. Thank you so much for posting it.
Lauren, I’m sorry it made you cry, but I’m really happy that you’re taking an action.
Thanks for posting this Jessica. I’ve posted it at my blog.