Earlier this week a review site strung me up. The review of this blog was a good ole fashioned skewering, but the reviewer was thoughtful and still kind. He says we are stripes and plaid; I say we are dessert and gravy, both yummy, neither particularly necessary.
I get it. Their points are valid. Maybe I’m not a Mommy Blogger. That is entirely possible, and clearly they’re not my target audience, but hey, I wanted the feedback, and even more. I wanted the traffic.
There. I said it. It’s good traffic, if I get a loyal reader or two out of it, good for me.
The comments are long and read more like twitter or a chat room, but they are mostly hipsters with pseudonyms making very personal attacks. I won’t even glance at the ones that talk about my kids, because I think we all know that’s a slippery slope.
I cared a little bit, but then I remembered where I was. I was looking at a comment stream of women whom I’ve never met. These are people who don’t live in my community, won’t be a BlogHer (because really, they’re above that right?), Blog World or the #140conf (did I mention I’m speaking there?). These are folks with well guarded identities who talk about you and not to you.
Case in point.
Here’s the thing. I don’t pick on people. It’s not what I do, and I’ve made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t.
*Taking a Break from the High Road*
That was a bitch ass move, if you weren’t a total fucking coward you would’ve @JessicaGottlieb & known that I’d see it. Oh, and your legs aren’t nearly as hawt as you think they are.
And B, I won’t even comment on you, because you had my attention via email and you’re too busy trying to be hip and cool. Sorry, hair bleach will only take you so far, try being pretty on the inside too.
*Back to the dumb ass high road*
Gosh that felt good.
So yeah, the high road? Fuckit.
Sue, darling, you know they eat their own, don’t you? I wouldn’t get too bent about B, she’s actually a pretty damn decent human being. And I’m not a big fan of many humans.
This is happening to me online too but the you know what won’t @ me and instead is being rude and doesn’t even follow me so what the hell does she care. So I like this post and can relate.
That’s the one thing I dislike about blogging for a living. People and their personal attacks. I write for a site that, yes I can comment back to people, but I can’t just go off on them for the attack. I’d like to somehow come across these people in their jobs and make their life a living hell, if only for a few minutes. I do take the highroad though, because I’m a better person than that, I think. I am a slow to boil type of person, so that may all change soon.
This is why I never asked to be reviewed, plenty of people hate me on my own. :)
OMG, you are a Republican? Didn’t know that!
Sorry, to admit this, but I learned so much about you from this post. Now I plan to go back and read some of your older posts :-)
You know, dude. I don’t twitter. I have an account, but rarely use it. And then, I saw the passive aggressive attack from you directed at another person (B), who I think is damn good people.
Forgive me for not being twitter-adept. I had no idea how to direct a twitter AT you, given that you don’t follow me.
I’ve used it very seldom since subscribing.
So, let me be more direct:
I’m a mom with 2 kids. You know where my blog is at, and you submitted your site to be reviewed by it.
I loved you when you were Sue Doe Nim. You told great stories and seemed to have a big heart.
These days, you seem like a soulless, passive aggressive bitch, and I hate what you’re doing here.
If you wanted to talk about your review, you had every opportunity to do so on the blog, in comments.
And no. YOu don’t need to know what my identity is. You didn’t when you submitted, and you don’t now. I’m not a blog-whore, and I don’t do this to get paid. I do it for fun, and to try and help people.
I didn’t start out in this to make a name for myself, and I have no intention of following you down the path of shilling my soul for a buck.
Direct enough for you?
And Key: Grow a fucking sack.
My response to people with axes to grind is to remind them that I don’t come to see them at their job and knock the dick out of their mouth. But then I’m also an asshole as a point of pride.
Listen: Jessica, formerly known as Sue Doe Nim, requested a re-review. We don’t review sites that dont ASK us for a review. And there were ZERO comments that attacked Jessica’s children. ZERO.
We don’t do that. 3 of the 4 permanent reviewers are MOTHERS, not hipsters. In fact, I’d say quite candidly that we are the ANTI-HIP.
And Yeah, Jessica, you DO pick on people. It IS what you do. I’ve looked back over your tweets, and probably 1/3 of them are personal attacks. So, own it. That is who you are. You are a person who attacks other people, usually for no reason, for reasons I don’t really understand.
At least be honest with yourself.
LB: Snicker.
Key: It was your choice to act like a spineless bitch because you got called down for abusing comments.
LB: And it was your choice to suddenly become fucking Mother Theresa to the blogosphere. Look, I quit commenting at your site. Spineless? Hardly, bitch. You laid down some rules, and I kindly went on to play a different game.
Dude: That was “I’m taking my ball and going home.” I asked you to knock off harassing a couple of posters, and for the record, ME. ON MY OWN SITE.
So, c’mon, man. I never wanted you to leave, and I’m sorry I was so harsh. I should have e-mailed you. It was my bad, I handled it badly, and I miss you desperately.
Is it going to take Jessica to bring us back together? Or do you need some more public kind of bending over and letting you ass fuck me into submission?
I think my work here is done.
The two of y’all can go back to being cell mates…
“Cause, you know, it’s always people like this who are all shocked and everything when their kids end up in prison and blaming their ‘Motrin Mommy’ for it ’cause she spent too much time on stupid shit.”
So that’s when I decided I didn’t care about the comments. But I stand firm, the review is what it is, dessert and gravy, both good, not a good combo.
Can’t you just go back to being Sue? Sue rocked so damn hard.
And for the record, I work with kids in prison…I don’t raise them.
I guess I missed that comment, Jessica. I don’t really see it being an attack on your kids (unless they are, in fact, in prison, due to the motrin crusade). It was more an attack on the neglectimommyblogger syndrome…Women who spend considerable amounts of time online while paying little to no attention to their offspring.
I still think you love me IRL but you’re too busy being cool to admit it.
Now if you’ll excuse me, this pot isn’t going to smoke itself…
LB: Anal? Sure, but I refuse to wear a condom and I roll with spit these days. Game on.
Flame wars in the blogosphere will never end, but what fun would it be if they did.
Ewww. Key, you’re such a dumpster whore at heart.
Punch ’em in the neck and move on.
LB: well, yeah.
Miss Grace, I love it when they mix the sex with the violence.
Did someone say pot?
Whooo Jessica! Cat fight! Can you guys vlog it so I can see the veins popping out?
You asked THEM? Braver than me. My own loyal (though tiny) following all agree that I am an acquired taste, so I won’t even go to Ask and Receive bunch.
Wish I was going to Blogher, there are so many I would love to meet in person – you among them – but I had to make a choice btwn the blogging and the fiction (conflicting conferences and tight finances, ya know), and the blogging will never make me a published author. I can’t imagine being about the opportunity. Cool about the speaking gig.
So, which am I? The gravy or the dessert? And what sort of gravy and what sort of dessert? These are important distinctions.
Cause turkey gravy is kind of gross, and if that’s what it is, I want to be the dessert.
Seriously — I know we’re coming at this blogging thing with totally different agendae. I hope that you don’t think that the review was a total waste of time/effort.
By the way, if anyone has an issue with the review, you know where you can find me. You’ll find that I’m not a fighter, but I will stand by my review.
I just subscribed and this was your first post in my email. Man, I’ve been missing out! LOL! If you’re this fiesty here, I can imagine you on the tennis court;-) Thanks for the entertainment.
P.S- How do you get your blog to work on the iPhone this nice? Is there a plug-in I’ve missed out on? Thanks.
Never mind… I found the plug in. Very cool!
LMAO!!! ALL of the above is soooooooo freaking funny I can’t take it!! Here’s where it went wrong JG: “This pot won’t smoke itself..” – you should have PASSED it around to everyone & all would’ve been chill all Kumbaya-like…because it’s obvious some folks could really use a little mood relaxer..heehee…;)
so i read the coorespondances from here and there and everywhere. i like that you aren’t a cookie cutter blogger. i like that on tuesday you write about techy shit, that you might tell a story about smoking dope, that you tell about how you are a ball buster. do i always get passionately involved, no-but really-it’s blogging. the long commentary of getting involved in something more worthwhile really chapped my ass, all i was thinking was ‘wow, someone has just spent an awful lot of time checking and rechecking the comment status to keep reiterating this point when all along they could have made a few bologna sandwhiches and dolled them out in the ghetto. maybe spoke out on sids too.’ the fact that nyone uses the term ‘mommy blogger’ as a bullseye is so passe. couldn’t we all rip up on some trekkie bloggers just as easily? though it doesn’t happen, as trekkie’s cause no threat to your traffic. truth is parenting is funny shit. and everyone shoudl wear them as next seasons must have accesory.
This all goes to confirm my assertion that I’m the only normal person in cyberspace.
Some people like verbal and verbal-written abuse. Some don’t.
Wow! I just like reading the blogs & writing once in awhile. Didn’t realize it is like still being in the rat race here. Same arguments, politics, name-calling, etc. You would think after we see how screwed up the world is, we would try to make it a better place here!
Hi Jessica,
OMG – the drama. We’ve been chatting on Twitter for awhile and I had no idea!
For what it’s worth – read your blog today and liked it. Tried to go into Sue Do Nim and apparently I need to be invited.
OMG please tell me that someone is wildly pitching a mommy blog reality show to TLC. I would SO be watching it. Seriously.
This post made me subscribe. You guys are too funny!
Nice Site! I feel left out!