My friend April sent out a sweet and touching Holiday Newsletter. Since I’m boozy touched I’ll try and do a year end wrap up here.
This year the Gottliebs attended a half dozen major league baseball games. We thought about reading books, but the Yankees and the Dodgers were too inviting. We are praying for the NFL to return to Los Angeles, as we are too apathetic to get to a hockey game.
We didn’t move, have any births or accidentally kill a dog this year. Last year we did.
Mr. G. is solid at work, he finds is creatively fulfilling and Jessica bitches and moans that the housekeeper sucks, but her tennis is good.
Everyone is grateful, it just doesn’t look like it.
There will be no vacation this December because Mr. Gottlieb turned 45 and requested an OhMyGawdYouSpentWhat camera for his birthday. The good news is that both car leases are up in a few months and Jessica’s mid life crisis is a heartbeat away so her new car will be expensive and fast.
2009 was a lot of fun. Totally unproductive, but fun.
Yeah my housekeeper isn’t always what she is cracked up to be. Sounds like a family fun awesome year.
Cheers to that! Was great meeting you on Saturday!
You never cease to make me smile – and I know I’m not the only one! So while I’m still feeling sappy, I’ll say that you have made a lot of people’s year better simply by being you.