Typically I wouldn’t have much to say about Kim Kardashian. She operates in a realm separate from mine. Today, however, I’d like to talk a little bit about Kim Kardashian and the FTC (Federal Trade Commission).
According to Ad Week, Kardashian has signed a deal to “sex up” Carls Jr. Well, I guess after the Paris Hilton video, we can expect Carls’ Jr. to hire every celebutard with a sex tape hot young girl out of Hollywood?
Here’s what’s interesting. The Kardashian girls were recently on Howard Stern talking about making $40,000 to show up at a nightclub. Forgive me if I don’t recall who was speaking, I was busy making mental notes on how to not behave in public. Ad.ly is a great little company, and they list a tweet with Kardashian (of sex tape and reality tee vee fame) as having a $10,000 value.
What was this?
Is it a sponsored post? Is this a part of the deal she recently inked with Carl’s Jr?
Maybe she legitimately is excited to eat a salad. Kim looks like the kind of girl I often see in fast food restaurants, right? Oh, no, you’re right, it’s totally out of character.
According to the FTC, the fine is $11,000. If Kim Kardashian made $10,000 for this tweet, pays $11,000 in fines and gets her name absolutely everywhere again for just $1,000 I’m going to be green with envy.
Seriously folks, my secret hope and prayer was that I’d be the first blogger to get hit with an $11,000 non disclosure fine. Why? Because I always disclose and I would have welcomed the inquiry. I could’ve had the ass kickiest lawyers you know defending me for free and our names would have been in every paper.
I could’ve renamed my blog Jessica Smartypants Gottlieb.
Although I’m very interested in seeing how this pans out, I’m even more curious who the 2.7 million people are who follow Ms. Kardashian on twitter.
Before the FTC guidelines were released I wrote about disclosure, and here I warn you a little bit about people like The Kardashians. Make no mistake, every part of their lives is sponsored, and I do think that disclosure will be difficult for them, but the good news is that they make more than enough money to pay any fine with great ease.
LOL…this is exactly what I think of when they are talking about blogging and disclosure. Umm and Angry Husband, you know home theater dude, who works for big big company…told me that his friend, who works for the company with the Star who has a smile, paid Kim $300K for a commercial she just shot….
In a way this is nothing new, all they are doing is leveraging technology to market themselves and like always corporations still use celebraties to sell their brand. Is this any different then a celebraties appearing on a billboard ad for a product?
Yes it is. With a billboard you immediately recognize it as an advertisement. With twitter, it appears to be a normal part of her day. We all know it isn’t.
I was really REALLY hoping it would be Gwyneth to get nabbed first:
Yeah, I was hoping it would be Gwyneth too (no offense to you, Sug) but not sure if living in London affects her coverage under FTC.
Good luck with your plan! You’re smart enough to make the most of whatever happens.
Nice! I want to know who the 17 losers are that felt compelled to retweet that the celebutard was getting a salad at Carl’s Jr. She doesn’t look like she’s had too many salads, maybe they thought that was newsworthy.
It’s like it’s a no win-no win situation – they get publicity no matter what they do – which is what sponsors buy – their celebutardness – maybe we just need to boycott those companies who promote breaking the law.
I mean Tiger Woods has actually lost endorsments and even more interesting is the stock of all the companies that does endorse him (whether they dropped him or not) went down! Probably the first thing that made me happy coming from Wall St. in a long time.
Keep on chatting about this all – keep this issue alive – maybe just maybe someone will listen and DO something about it!
Love your blog-even when you are disenchanted!
BTW : Found the link to the Tiger Woods’ Stock issue: http://www.tvweek.com/blogs/tvbizwire/2009/12/tiger-woods-scandal-cost-share.php