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Feels pretty much like 39, except I got to walk up to Mulholland this morning without worrying about anyone else’s plans. The kids don’t seem to be fighting, and I haven’t had to pick up after anyone.

So I guess that’s a perfect day.

12 thoughts on “Forty”

  1. Happy Birthday, my almost-twin! (I’ll be 46 tomorrow.) My 40’s have been a pretty good decade, and I hope yours will be too. Sounds like they started off pretty nicely :-).

  2. Welcome! It’s not so bad! I plan on reaching 41 myself, this coming weekend, and I look forward to it greatly! Do you know why? Every year, I ask my husband to deep clean the house for my birthday. And he does. And it is the best day ever! While he is deep cleaning, I have a personal spa day, whatever we can afford that year. This year…the works! Of course, I live in MN, so it is much cheaper than many places, but regardless…everyone deserves the best day ever on their birthday. Hope your was.

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