We are a texting family.
As you might recall, Jane got a cellphone for her 11th birthday, and all she really wanted was a QWERTY keyboard. She wanted bright colors too, but mostly she wanted to type. She types quickly, and I find that texting is what works best for our family.
My friend Amy had warned me that texting would be where we were headed, she explained to me that kids didn’t want to stop doing whatever activity they are engaged in to talk to their moms. She also explained to me that kids would reply to text messages because they are short. Naturally, Amy was right.
I don’t often ask Jane to make certain to answer her phone. At thisĀ moment in time that would be a setup for failure. For some reason it’s just too much for her, but returning a text message is not.
What about you?
Yes. I blog full time so I’m home now all the time, and really had little need for texting but I finally caved into it because that is how my 29 year old son and his wife communicate with everybody. Nobody seems to want to pick up a phone and talk much anymore these days, so I can rarely get an answer when I call either of them. BUT… if I text them, I almost always get a near immediate response. It’s sad, but it’s the way it is I guess.
Hubby and I were having this conversation… Sarah isn’t nearly old enough for a cell phone yet, however by the time she is, I’m hoping texting will be obsolete… for a variety of reasons. Yes, there will be something that’s equally annoying I am sure, but I can’t STAND it.
the question is actually reversed for me, as in Do I Respond Better? My teens text and spam call me all day for no good reason. Things like, “Mom, where’s the remote”. So I started hanging up on them – they get the dial tone.
But getting back to the real question: They respond exactly the same whether I text or call. But I prefer to text them…. ‘lest they talk my ear off with frivolous topics.
I’m sure you’ve already heard me say this, but I much prefer text-fighting w/ Sylvia as opposed to verbal! It diminishes the opportunity to say something you’ll regret.
I have learned that testing with my kids is a great way to stay in touch. My 4 kids are 12-21 and two are off at college. I love hearing via text how my older daughter just did on a midterm and if there have been any changes to the after school schedule of my middle school daughter. Plus with texting I find out instantly what they are interested in and how they are doing. It’s lovely to have the communication channel open –even if it is on their terms.
Texting is how kids today communicate. Fortunately (for me), I’ve never been much for talking on the phone, so I’m perfectly happy with it when all I need to do is get her a short message (i.e., “I’m running late” or “LMK when the movie gets out.” Now, if I could just get my husband and sister to text! (They’re both talkers.)
Definitely when I text them. It makes sense. When they are out, they are often with friends. What teen wants to be overheard talking to their mom on the phone. Texting is much more private. Their friends have no idea who they are texting or what they are saying.
I text with my 13 yr old all the time, and rarely talk to him. I find that he is more open in texts, because no one else is eavesdropping (he lives with his father, not me)
Wow, I can’t believe you remembered that I said that. I am flattered. I have told you that I am your mommy foreshadowing, mostly because we share the same values. The thing is, as they go through the preteen and teen years you need to be nimble and let them lead the communication styles. The important thing is that they connect, not how.
My favorite text of the week came from Morocco:
“Mom, I am in a spice market, want me to pick you up anything?”
Semester abroad is very close when you can text!