Right now we don’t do much that gets calories burning for the adults. Alexander can’t keep up on a long hike, and although I enjoy riding bikes, playing sports and hikes with the kids, it’s not exactly a cardio workout for Mr. G. and me.
I used to push the kids all over Los Angeles in the double stroller. We’re at an in between time right now.
What about you?
I love to swim and very grateful for having a pool, since we’ve been having a lot of hot weather. I think swimming is a fun family activity and it cools you off as well.
We play Just Dance on the Wii on rainy or way too hot days. We get REALLY into it and before we know it, we are all sweaty, out of breath and terribly happy.
ride our bikes! my daughter loves her bike seat :)
We hike, holding the kids when they get tired = weights
We also swim in the ocean, go for walks with quick spurts of running as we play “who can get to that tree” game and we LAUGH! Laughing totally burns calories and it helps with digestion.
(OH! How could I forget, the absolute fave in our house, for myself and the kids, is to dance dance dance. We get our freak on, even the dog jumps up and tries to groove. It’s the most fun and boy does it get the heart going and with our humidity, it turns into “Bikram” Dancing, lol.