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August 2010

But You ARE A Mommy Blogger

When your Twitter ID has the word Mom, Mommy, Mama, Mami, Ma, or Moms in it, and you are offended that someone calls you a mom blogger I giggle.

When your domain name has the word Mom, Mommy, Mama, Mami, Ma, or Moms in it, and you call yourself a social media expert, the world giggles.

There’s nothing wrong with being a Mommy Blogger. I’m a Mom Blogger (Mommy Blogger) and as job descriptions go, I recognize that it can be seen as silly. If don’t behave in a ridiculous manner then perhaps folks won’t see you as silly, or deluded about your value as a consultant.

In every profession there are people on different tracks. There’s no shame in it, but if the term Mommy Blogger makes you bristle, may I kindly suggest you remove the word Mom from your marketing materials?