I wrote a post about Rex and Michelle Ryan, and her foot fetish videos. I’m replacing it with this short message.
The folks at Deadspin have a long and compelling post about Michelle Ryan’s alleged foot fetish videos. For those of you who aren’t NFL fans, Michelle is married to Rex Ryan, who is the Head Coach for the New York Jets and a character.
Here’s the thing, if Rex and Michelle Ryan are making foot fetish videos good for them. I’m tired of caring who you fuck, or how you fuck. It’s all consenting adults, and I’ve seen the videos on Deadspin, they’re about the unsexiest thing I’ve ever run across.
So congratulations Rex and Michelle, y’all have a hobby.
As I said on Twitter last night:
1) a QB who tortures dogs
2) a QB who [allegedly] rapes women
3) a head coach who likes feet.
Jesus H Prudes.
(Also: Go Jets!)
I don’t understand how it’s scandalous for a man to enjoy his wife’s body parts. Sounds like exactly what we should be encouraging.