Well that went well. Dr. Ari Brown spat out the words Mommy Blogger a few times with a little more disdain that Sister Susan uses for syphilis or satan. James Steyer was magnificent at promoting his website and chastised me more than once for arguing the science.
Because ya know I’m like Michelle Bachman if I argue the quality of the science. Yet I do question the quality of the science.
We talked about how low income kids watch more TV and it might not be children’s programming. Perhaps because it’s less safe to play outside? I’m thinking that’s true in the cities, but not every low income home is urban. I strongly suspect that with NPR talking about less screen time for children (particularly in the San Francisco Bay Area) it’s preaching to the choir.
There was great concern at the top of the hour about apps, smart phones and computers, but that wasn’t discussed. Lesli Rotenberg joined us as a representative of Sesame Street and everyone fell head over heels. She might as well have been Grover. Who doesn’t love Sesame Street?
The discussion on KQED’s own site centered around the fact that these families had screen free homes. Irony anyone?
I’m tired of of women like Dr. Ari Brown who have an agenda that is dismissive of real life. It’s exhausting to me that folks think that because you’re a blogger you’re uneducated. It’s tiring to hear from the “experts”, as new media has evolved I’ve seen the curtain pulled back and much like the Wizard of Oz there are often tiny men with big megaphones.
Your infants and TV? The AAP’s recommendations are sound. Limit media.
Okay, got it? Limit media. Houses with TVs on all day? You suck, the AAP says so and I totally agree with them.
Don’t give your one year old your iPhone… well odds are are 1 in 6 that there’s fecal matter on it already.
The recommendations suggest nesting cups or wooden spoons. You should totally use these toys for your kids while you’re milking the cows and churning your butter.
I understand that people worry about too much media. There was a time that lawmakers were concerned about radios in cars.
I also know that there is a richness in new media. Good content should not be ignored and Bugs Bunny won’t make your child violent, he simply will not. If a Baby Einstein video introduces your infant to Mozart and a Brainy Baby DVD teaches them colors go for it. Also if you think your child doesn’t have to be learning every single second of their day, you might be right too.
UPDATE: Here is the podcast.
I’m sorry they were dismissive of your experience. Thinking about it makes me feel stabby.
We are no longer parents. We are child optimizers. It’s insane. I couldn’t agree with you more, Jessica. I’d love to see a study seeing what happened when some relatively balanced families are forced to give up TV for a month, and see the stress levels rise unhealthily, to everyone’s detriment. Not every moment has to be optimal. There has to be balance but we already knew that.
It’s a hard job for us parents to make our kids stable in every aspect of their life. No matter how hard it is, it is still the best job ever.