Everyone knows I’m a Howard Stern fan. I thought he was hysterical throwing baloney at strippers asses and now that he’s morphed into a famous guy hanging out with Jimmy Kimmel and Jennifer Aniston (who he was pretty unkind to once upon a time) I find that I really enjoy his interviews on Sirius. He had one with Lady Gaga that was about an hour long and the kids and I listened to it a few times over.
Every Stern fan is familiar with the Sit ‘n Sleep commercials where the owner Larry says, “I will beat anyone’s advertised priced or your mattress is free.” Apparently these commercials doubled their sales almost overnight in the early 90’s and I’m pretty sure that Sit ‘n Sleep is expecting exactly the same from partnering with me.
Or not. Whatever.
We’d talked about a partnership because I was dying for a new bed set and then we sort of stopped talking because I have horrible follow through and ultimately I ended up buying a new bed about three and a half days before the call came in from Sit ‘n Sleep. This is a true and tragic story.
We’d actually gotten to a place where we’d look forward to visiting hotels because their beds were better than ours. If you’re staying in a hotel and their mattress is better than yours do not pass go, do not collect $200, stop what you are doing and go mattress shopping. Hotel mattresses suck, when the sucky abused mattress is more comfortable than the one in your home it’s time to buy a new one stat.
In any event, I took the dog for a walk, got Mr. G to come with me and tricked him into walking into a mattress store where we found our favorite and pulled the trigger. We still need a bed frame and the room looks lonely without the old one. We have the mattress set and now finding an appropriate bed will be a whole new issue. Be prepared for drama because I find it easier to buy a new home than to pick up a piece of furniture. We switched from California King to Eastern King and the extra inches in width provide much needed space for Junior.
I am wildly off topic.
In any event the folks at Sit ‘n Sleep called just after we’d already bought said mattress set and I freaked out because I would have loved a free set but then remembered that it’s fundraiser time at Alexander’s school. So guess what? They donated a mattress to for the gala. It’s a great one too and I’m insanely grateful (though not smart enough to have scored one for myself).
So if you’re a friend from school you can bid on this mattress and if you’re not a friend from school you can take advantage of the President’s Day Sale that’s starting February 10th.
Here’s the thing. Rest matters. We know that not sleeping enough makes you fat, cranky and less productive. We know that an old mattress can contain enough dust mites to double it’s weight, and yes, the bile rose in my throat writing that.
You know it’s time for a new mattress just as much as I do. Sit ‘n Sleep supports our community online and IRL. They have a new partnership with Habitat for Humanity, Greater Los Angeles, to provide new mattresses for every family that receives a new home. They say that over 80 families benefitted from Sit ‘n Sleep’s generosity in 2013 but I think that’s untrue. Each of those 80 families affects the lives of at least four other families and I like to think that those 80 households radiate hope.
When a business supports us all as much as Sit ‘n Sleep has, it makes it easy to want to shop there. It makes it easy for me to encourage y’all to shop there. And on a more pragmatic level it’s SALE TIME so even if your spouse is out of town go for it. Something they do (which I think is critical) is to offer a 60 night guarantee. If you’ve bought the wrong mattress exchange it. Easy peasy.
Also they don’t get bugged when you and your 12 year old spend half an hour playing with the adjustable beds (or if they do they fake it well).

We spent 30 minutes playing with this thing