Babble: Top 50 Twitter Moms
Babble: Top 50 Mom Blogs 2010
Babble: Top 50 Mom Blogs 2009
Cision: #1 Mom Blogger on Twitter
Fast Company: The Influence Project top 1%
Forbes: 14 Power Women to Follow on Twitter
Klout: Named the second most influential mom blogger
Nielsen: Power Mom 50
Nielsen: Bloggers and Influencers who Made a Mark 2008
She Knows: Named the #1 Blog that makes you think
RedTri: LA’s Top Ten Mom Blogs
Yahoo: 10 Power Women in Social Media

Klout uses me (and a nice looking man above me) to explain how influence works
When Oprah Winfrey needed to jumpstart the OWN Network I was brought on board to travel with them to three cities and two countries.
HLN/CNN: dozens of appearances with Vinnie Politan and Jane Velez Mitchell
Fox News: a handful of appearances on Fox and Friends
Parenting Magazine: My MIL is my BFF. An article I wrote for the magzine hits the web at CNN and other outlets
Fox News: Mother’s Little Helper
CNN: Is Jessica Simpson ready for her big Weight Watchers Reveal?
CNN: Posting Pictures of your Kids Online
San Francisco Chronicle: Infolinks Empowers Women Blog-Stars to Give Back
Fox News: Should School Kids Rely on Computers
AOL Patch: Uncle Louie Teams up with Jessica Gottlieb
AOL Patch: Uncle Louie, a Yankee, a Giant and an Army of Celebs
Babble: Top 50 Mom Blogs for 2010 (and 2009)
Technorati: State of the Blogosphere 2010
Fast Company: The Influence Project
Wall Street Journal: Attack of the Tall Dolls
Slashfood (AOL): Mommy Blogger Backlash Over HFCS
AOL News: Ad Tells Women: Freshen Up Below for Career Advancement
NPR: What Would You Say to Your 20-Something Self
Wendy Williams Show discusses taking your kids to the bathroom and Momversation
Hive Awards: honorable mention Lifestyle Blog
Forbes 14 Power Women To Follow On Twitter
Dr. Phil, again. Airing January 15
Parents Magazine Mom.com article
Dr Phil (again) he said I did “great” .
True Mom Confessions (video)
New York Times Sponsored Tweets: What’s Your Take
CNN picked up the MSNBC piece.
Fast Company interviews me about sponsored tweets
Web Worker Daily (A Gigaom site) continues the sponsored tweet conversation
Ms. Magazine Summer 2009 Cover story
MSNBC Virgin America, Twitter and my family
Blog Talk Radio with Pepsico (radio)
Featured on the Dr. Phil Show.
ABC News When Moms Are Pushed Too Far
Wall Street Journal Paid to Pitch: Product Reviews By Bloggers Draw Scrutiny
ABC News Could Chris Brown still be Kids’ Choice?
ABC News Lavish Kids’ Parties Get Trimmed in Bad Economy
CBS evening news coverage of my inauguration party (video)
Wall Street Journal Private Schools Feel the Pinch Amid Recession
ABC News Sarah Palin’s Parenting Choices Under Fire
Motrin Moms: Social Media Fail Whale
Why the Four C’s of Community Require the Commitment of Many
How Twittering Critics Brought Down ‘Motrin Mom’ Campaign
“Motrin moms,” a-Twitter over ad, take on Big Pharma… and win
J&J apologizes, says it missed the mark with Motrin mom ad
Hey Jessica….
Are you up for talking to us today on the Radio about the Breast Feeding Doll?
5 minutes or so at 5:10 pm Eastern?