Another Lovely Evening With the Morris Animal Foundation and One Eyed Jack
Sunday night my friends at the Morris Animal Foundation invited me to join them as the Paul Mitchell School Foundation presented them with a check. I wasn’t really sure how to talk about the relationship between the two so I asked my friend Scott Koskoski, the Director of Major Gifts & Planned Giving for Morris what he’d like my readers to know and he said:
Morris Animal Foundation has been a grateful recipient of funds raised by the Paul Mitchell School’s gala for five years now, totaling $470,000. We are really lucky to work with amazing corporate partners throughout the country who throw fun and cool fund-raising events, galas, walks, etc. for us because they love animals and our mission of helping them stay healthy.
But by far the most important talking point of the night was: Will he or won’t he? As in, buy the Clippers.
And Scott is right about everything. The Paul Mitchell School Gala is fabulous (and don’t even think about going there without your hair done perfectly). Being in a room with hundreds of people who are excited about giving is an experience everyone should have. The tickets are pricey but they’re so much cheaper (and better) than therapy. Five days later I’m still smiling when I think about the evening. Okay, also laughing.

L to R: Marsha Collier, me, Christina Simon
We had a few drinks.
Fran Drescher was stunning and funny as emcee and Marie Osmond was oddly weepy while accepting her donation and then revealed that it was her late son’s birthday. We all sighed and admired her strength.
.@MagicJohnson great seeing you tonight @PaulMitchellEdu Gala with my hubby Steve. #PMTSgives14
— Marie Osmond (@marieosmond) May 5, 2014
As for, “Will he or won’t he?” we witnessed a truly remarkable moment. Magic Johnson (who has given to Los Angeles in ways that few men have) accepted a check on behalf of his foundation and talked about HIV medicine, research, access and the cost of treatment. Then he asked the crowd if he should buy the Clippers. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that you couldn’t hear the person next to you because the whole room was on their feet clapping and screaming.
I don’t know that I could say that the excitement was 100% about buying the Clippers. I think that in part the room reacted to the notion that a good guy would take the helm of an LA team. Everyone wants to support the players but Donald Sterling is despicable where Magic Johnson offers hope, humility and rebuilding. He’s invested in South Central Los Angeles, notoriously poor, minority and dangerous, bringing jobs and commerce where before there was only blight. It would be wonderful if he bought the Clippers but just the discussion was enough to have a room full of people celebrating.
Will he or won’t he? I can’t wait to find out.
It’s interesting timing to be hanging out with the folks from Morris Animal Foundation because they’ve funded a great deal of research that benefits both pets and livestock and just this week my heart was stolen by this guy.
It’s a long story but in it’s essence Alexander has been asking for a pet of his own and since he asks for next to nothing and I’m a softy I’ve begun looking for a non puppy, non senior, non swimming dog. I ended up at a rescue organization looking for a different pet and was stuck on this guy. Just stuck.
He’s weird looking and a little bit overweight but his ears feel like silk and he’s sweet to Junior and my kids. We went back for a second visit. I’m weird and could also lose 2-3 pounds and I’m sweet to Junior and my kids so this dog and I have a lot in common. If we can get him.
You see I found him Wednesday, which was the same day Mr. G returned home from a business trip. Atypically he was home in the afternoon when the kids get in from school.
I asked him to pick up Alexander and I went to fetch Jane. When she got in the car I showed her pictures of the one eyed dog and told her a bit about his personality. I told Jane that Daddy had been traveling all day and hadn’t slept the night before and asked her to please not mention the dog. Today would not be a good day for it.
Jane did not listen.
We came home and the guys were already here. Jane immediately grabbed my phone, showed this picture to Alexander and declared (in front of her father), “Alexander look! Mommy found a dog and he’s just perfect even though he only has one eye.”
Alexander said, “Just like me.” And I melted because Alexander has two eyes that work very well but almost didn’t. We spent 9 years patching his eye anywhere from 2 to 8 hours a day.
Overtired and cranky Mr. G responded exactly as I thought he would, “I work my ass off to give you everything. What do I have to do to get a dog with two eyes and four legs around here?”
Even though it was kind of funny no one laughed. It seemed that there would be no dog for us and it was definitely the wrong time to mention that the dog had been hit by a car and left for dead so he has a plate in his femur.
I’m persistent and Mr. G has been my best friend for 19 years so I do know a thing or two about how to talk to him. I Shushed the kids and didn’t mention the dog for the remainder of the evening. Well, until about 9pm anyhow. That’s when I mentioned the dog’s personality, how he didn’t bark at all – which is odd for a dog in a kennel setting – how he was playful but tired after 5 minutes of chasing balls and how affectionate he is. When Mr. G didn’t yell no I knew I had a foot in the door. Half an hour later I asked him if he’d like to sign the adoption application or if I should forge his name.
“Forge it.” He said.
Game. Set. Match.
Of course nothing is ever really that easy. Thursday afternoon I took the kids and Junior to meet the dog and it went better than I could have hoped for. The dogs got along and the kids were swooning. Today when I called to follow up and ask for a home visit they let me know that another family has a home visit with him tomorrow and might be adopting him. I’ve also had three different answers from the rescue about how he lost his eye and two different answers about why the other home visits haven’t panned out.
I don’t know if this guy is the dog for me. I want him to be and I really don’t want to take my kids on an emotional roller coaster but we’re going to find out more this week. The kids want to name his Captain or Marley. I want to call him Jack because everyone should have a One Eyed Jack in their home.
Someone will. I hope it’s us.