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Dr. George Tiller

Friday Confession: Not Today

Today I’m not confessing, today I’m letting y’all know that the comments surrounding the Execution of Dr. George Tiller are alternately horrifying and fascinating.

When you comment here your IP address and email are recorded. Those of you who commented saying that Dr. George Tiller is a murderer and deserved to die? Well, I’ve taken the liberty of forwarding your data to the FBI.

This is domestic terrorism, and if you aren’t part of the solution you are part of the problem.

I hope you feel terrible, embarrassed and anxious. This is not your forum, there is no “free speech” here. This is my site and the decision is mine.

Oh, and the particularly vile one, you know where you compared Dr. George Tiller to Hitler? Why on earth would you do that from a workplace? I totally emailed HR. They sent me back an email saying that they don’t disclose the results of ongoing investigations.

Have a great weekend y’all!