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family life

My Husband Tried to Kill My Son Yesterday

I brought my son to hang out with his Dad yesterday at about noon.

When I returned home from a great sushi dinner with Jane, Lolita and her kids, I saw my son sitting at the counter eating White Castle Hamburgers. Once my head stopped spinning I asked about the rest of the day. They had a great time together, and my son told me about their snacks throughout the day:

Bananas (good)
Muffins (not so good, these are essentially tiny cakes)
Hot dogs from the vendors at the ball park
Chips (I had the presence of mind to not ask which kind)
Chicken Tenders, again from the ball park vendors

There might have been some doughnut holes in there too, as well as some chocolate, but they only told me about the “meals” they managed to have in a six hour window.