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Friday Confession: Hunting The Free Range Hamster

I have an ongoing hamster issue. This time last year our son, Alexander, was given a hamster for his seventh birthday. Said hamster escaped again several months ago, and after many weeks of hamster stalking we threw in the towel and got a new hamster for Alexander.

If you are a friend of mine on facebook you may have seen some of my recent updates, they look like this:

Be vewy vewy quiet, I’m hunting hamsters.

I found a little stash of dog food in the kitchen last week, so I’m pretty sure that our free range hamster is hanging out there. I dutifully stay up late at night, and search for her. Though I’m not sure what to do with her if I did catch her.

Which brings me to my confession.

The dog started barking at 3.30 this morning and I was up from then until 4.30. I realize now that it’s because he was after the hamster. When my alarm clock woke me up at seven, the only thing I could think of was setting up rat traps to catch and kill the hamster.

I’m pretty sure I won’t do it; but I wouldn’t exactly promise.