About That Holiday Gift Guide
I don’t have one. I won’t be publishing one, and I’d really like to tell you why.
I’ve published gift guides in the past, but they pretty much suck. I’ve never read a gift guide and thought, “ooh she’s speaking to me”. If you’re a Mom and you want to buy gifts for your children here’s my tip to you: Give them a blank piece of paper and a pen, they will make you a list. They might even ask for a second sheet of paper.
Buy the items on the list.
If you’re buying a gift for someone else’s child, ask the parents for few things from the list.
I’ve finished my shopping for my husband’s office (I’ve even bought the gift wrap). Everything I bought focuses on relaxation. Everyone there works really hard, I’d like our family to give them at least a few minutes to relax.
Blogging is about sharing our personal experiences. It’s about knowing that we’re all going through this together. It’s not about sharing high resolution pictures with you, or showing you what a marketer stuffed into my mailbox. I have received a few items already, the Interfaith Food Pantry thanks you (my about me page lets you know more). Really and honestly they do. It’s a good thing when you send toys to children.
Alexander is 9, Jane is 12, and Mr. G. already owns everything he could ever want. Hanukkah begins December 1, and if you want to know what I bought my kids, there’s a chance I’ll share it on Twitter. But there’s no chance that I’ll be trying to sell you something this year.