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I Cannot Function With Microsoft: Someone Get Me A Typewriter

I have a stunning new computer that is fast, quiet and hard working. The only thing my computer needs is an operating system.

Oh, and some software.

You see, every time I copy and paste into Microsoft Word (my OS is Vista) it crashes and gives me a DEP message. DEP is Data Execution Protection, execution is right, it kills my work.

I follow the advice (given by Microsoft while using their operating system and their software) and manually whitelist Word so DEP won’t make it crash.

It crashes.

I cry.

I call HP, it’s got to be a computer problem. HP checks the Microsoft fourms, it is a known problem with no workaround.

In order to use Word, I must first copy onto notepad?

Here’s the link to Open Office. It’s free, and it hasn’t crashed yet.

In the interim a typewriter would be handier than a computer loaded up with Microsoft.