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Mommy Blogging and Social Media: Stumble Upon This!

I have the incredible privilege of contributing at the LA Moms Blog. Trust me, I know that there are other cooperative blog groups for women. Some of which would more accurately portray my positions (Republicans who aren’t WASPs but do drink before noon). For now I’ll have to hang out with a group of women who are ridiculously accomplished both in their homes and in their communities.

Every so often I ask The Mommies for a Stumble.

Cuz seriously folks, I’m writing some good crap stuff here. I’m giving away silk shirts and standing on my soccer soapbox, and throwing the entire Palin clan under the bus. Yeah, I’m a giver.

So, who cares what I’ve written? My husband? Maybe my mother and certainly my brother, but only because he’s laughing at me for loving Microfiber.

Lots of people care about what I’ve written, but the real secret is that those people don’t love every post. People need to be directed to the posts and that’s what Stumble Upon is good for.

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