I voted against my own best interests.
I am going to beg the Republican Party to get their shit together and give us a viable candidate in 4 years.
I voted against my own best interests.
I am going to beg the Republican Party to get their shit together and give us a viable candidate in 4 years.
God Bless America!
go gildujour, no on 8, we need some change!!!!
Me too. I can’t believe it, but I voted for Obama too. It won’t benefit us in anyway. Two candidates I couldn’t agree with on enough issues to make me comfortable and excited to vote for either of them. I simply picked the one who sucked less again, with an added few points against McCain for a VP with a baby with down syndrome who needs his mommy way more than we do. I also voted against prop 8. I am not speaking to my sister because of our fight about it last night. She’s a hypocrite and I care too much about the issue to keep silent. I leave in 2 days for Thailand. Oh, and I’m totally bummed that I wasn’t invited to join the reader list of your other blog.
I voted 4 Obama, although I only did because I don’t like SP. Normally I vote republican. I also voted no on 8 and yes on 2. Keeping my fingers crossed!