If you haven’t yet read last weeks tech tip, you’ll want to take note of it first, then return here. Don’t worry, I’ll wait.
Hopefully you’ve spent the last week with your toolbar installed and thumbing up sites and pages that you enjoy. I also hope that you’ve connected with a few friends from your address book on Stumble Upon.
If you’re a blogger or a domain owner take a moment and update your StumbleUpon Profile so that it has your URL in it somewhere. It doesn’t matter where, just don’t be obnoxious, and it will be found. Let me show you why it matters.
This morning when I look at my stats I see that a post of mine is getting stumble traffic.
I go to the post and click the review button
When I click the review button I find who the Stumbler was.
It’s an incredibly nice review so I then click on HughDB’s user name and see this.
Stumbleupon has succeeded, once again, in bringing me to new sites, meeting new people who have similar interests. I start clicking around on his site, and when I find something I like, I review it. Of course, the cycle begins again.
What can a good stumble bring? Anywhere from 200 to thousands of hits, they aren’t just hits though, they’re qualified and interested readers. If you can take 20-45 minutes a day and participate in the Stumble Upon community then it’s entirely possible that the first several hundred hits each day will come from Stumbles. Mine do.
Almost equally important is finding other sites, very few of us are islands. We all love to maintain a blogroll, naturally if I’m on your blogroll, I’d want to bring more traffic to your site.
StumbleUpon is like a giant karma loop. You share the best of the web, with the best of your readers and friends. Everyone benefits when we all use it responsibly.
I never actually realised how important the profile section could be. I just updated mine. Thank you for alerting me to this :). Hopefully I will get much more traffic.
Thank you,
I just saw your Tweet about a comment being like a thank you note. Oh, the guilt. I bookmarked last week’s post about Stumbling, and never left a comment.
If it makes you feel any better, I haven’t written any thank you notes for my Christmas gifts yet either.
Seriously though, these are quite helpful, and I appreciate you taking the time to do them. Thank you!
Thanks for this Jessica, it never occurred to me to put my website in my description!
Thanks so much for the tip! What a beautiful, carefully-crafted post. I think I shall stumble it!
I’ve learned so much from this and last week’s tips. Thanks!
Yes, I now have a new reason to love Tuesdays: your tech tips!
This is ironic, I stumbled onto your site Jessica, and the post that came up is about what else but stumble upon. On that note, I think I need to get off the internet.
So behind here lol! What a great reminder. I really need to update my profile on StumbleUpon. I think it still shows me as being “male”. Oops.
thanks for the great post.
Jessica- you are truly a beam of clarity in this crazy world I am attempting to enter. Thank you so much for these tips. You’re making my life a LOT easier.