Last night we had a fabulous dinner to celebrate Jane’s Birthday. The four of us stumbled into the house, giddy as we were stuffed with delicious Japanese Food and desserts, and we saw this.
I could have run upstairs to grab a towel for her. I could have started to clean the floor, but I’m a blogger and I love you guys. So I grabbed my phone and started snapping pictures. Sparky has been eyeballing the vacuum in the pool for a few days now. I’m guessing last night she finally felt like she was in a position to nab it.
Here’s where she missed.
When we were done giggling, and the kids were tucked in Mr. G. and I just sort looked at each other and started in with the OhMyGawdWhatWouldWeDoIfTheCatDrownedOnHerBirthday talk. And then we were trying to imagine what she looked like in the pool. Then I sat around feeling sad that I didn’t have a video camera running while the cat was flailing in the pool. Because even if I’m a horrible person I’m a very good blogger, and y’all would loved that.
Even though Sparky has stolen my heart. I must say that I love Junior best.
1) Happy Belated Birthday to Jane!
2) We don’t have a pool, but each cat I’ve ever owned has taken a tumble into the bathtub. It’s freaking hilarious!