I often get emails from marketers where they say I represent CraptasticWebsites.com and they would like to buy a text ad on your site for $50 a month. It’s an SEO game so don’t bother looking at the site, rest assured it’s full of malware, tracking cookies and is of absolutely no interest to your readers.
My typical response is, “Thank you so much for thinking of me, it’s not a match.” I leave the door open because the pitches, though inelegant, are quick and to the point, they include the site name and the fee. Everyone’s time and intelligence is respected.
These are my morning emails today. I want you to know that I’ve haggled at the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul and my expectation is that I won’t have to repeat that experience in my inbox.
Understand a few things:
- There is no last name attached to “Noah”.
- There is no website, only a landing page
- When I search for Noah’s email address I get nothing in any social networks
Nice enough, he even includes a smiley face at the end. :)
Isn’t that putting the cart before the horse? I didn’t email him and pitch him, he’s the one who approached me out of the blue. Again, I have no idea who this person is, who this company is or who they represent.
Thanks Noah. I’ll be sure and hit up that PO Box, or maybe that website that only includes a landing page. I mean what kind of crazy must I be to pass up an opportunity to work with an anonymous guy from a PO Box in Salt Lake City?
I just had to read that twice because I was laughing so hard. Love it. Love your response. I have actually had a few people email and address me as “blogger” or “blog writer” …because nothing screams “I DON’T READ YOUR BLOG…nor do I have time to even look at the name on the email I am sending this to” more than “dear blogger.” Sigh
I think Noah was fishing for comparables. Nice try, Noah.
You are my kind of crazy.
I received one of those emails this week and it was just weird. The site was a trading site. Good grief. I could not even why he wasted his time.