This week’s Momversation (as usual) gets me all screechy and stabby.
Daphne is all sensible mom like, and Whitney is thoughtful and insightful. I’m still pissy and think Amy Chua is abusive.
Give me three minutes of your life, I think this week’s video is a good one…. and yeah, something really weird happened with my hair that day. Sorry.
I think you pose a good question about what would happen if Amy Chua lived in South Central. I do think she is abusive and I wonder if it is being excused by way of “cultural tolerance”. I’m glad to see so many Asian Americans denouncing her methods.
I really didn’t think I could even be grouped in a Tiger Mom group until I needed to peel myself off the ceiling when Belle brought home a B in math. I wanted to scream and take away the world from her. She’s better than that.
But……then I said ‘DUDE! She’s 11 and it was a B+’
I find Chua’s parenting, then glorifying it, appalling.
I think, to be quite honest with you, and you know this Jessica, I come at this from a rather different perspective of having a special needs child. It was an achievement to have her sit in a chair. I think it’s all fine and dandy for Ms Chua to look down on Western parenting, however, things that she takes away like playdates and school clubs – social things? Those are all learning experiences in and of themselves – things that my daughter may take a long time to learn. I also think that there is a balance there. Try things out… and if the child honestly doesn’t like it, or takes nothing from it, I think it’s fine to give it up. They’re only little once.