Sometime in the past few years a grifter by the name of Lolita Carrico entered my life. An honest to goodness con-artist with a story that would make the producers over at Dateline slobber. In the past three months, there have been phone calls from a half dozen people owed money, law enforcement, and ex-spouses. In the past week, it has come to my attention that the FBI is sniffing around, that law enforcement and judges are pissed that this person is on the streets.
There was an arrest followed by a few days in jail and then there was a large sum of cash produced which released this person from some of the fraud charges against them. Some people will get some of their money back, though surely not all. While our lovely neighborhood grifter was languishing in the LA County Jail the non-custodial parent worked the phones in an attempt to locate their children. I passed along the phone numbers that I had available to me.
This makes me a villain.
I’m really frustrated and angry. I’m angry with myself for allowing someone into my life that my husband didn’t like. When we met this person he was suspicious of the stories, the houses, and the cars. He stayed away, I ignored a few signs (and a bounced check to my favorite dog trainer ever) and proceeded to let this person into my life.
I would hear stories about the spouse and dutifully retell them to Mr. G. in an attempt to explain why there was only one parent. He would nod and say, “There are two sides to every story.”
Why don’t I listen to my husband?
A housekeeper wasn’t paid for several weeks. She showed up at my door weeping. I loaned her money but distanced myself ever so slightly from the friendship.
There were websites devoted to the frauds this person perpetrated online. This person was able to make them go away. New and similar complaints are popping up.
Two women I know and respect are collectively owed more than ten thousand dollars by Lolita Carrico.
But still, I’m the villain.
I’m sad that a few people will exit my life because of this. It’s clear that at least one person will no longer speak to me or to my husband. I’m not crushed by this because I fully expect that the full story will come out when more victims of the fraud come forward. I also expect that this person isn’t finished with stealing from people, from businesses, and from marriages (yes there appears to be one spouse in his/her crosshairs that’s facilitating real estate scams, lending money and behaving rather flirtatiously).
Only the most sophisticated liar could find a way to convince a community that I was somehow responsible for their children ending up with the other parent. Logic tells us that the nine felonies pending and last year’s arrest for similar criminal activities are what made a judge think the children belonged somewhere else.
I’m not even sure why I feel compelled to blog about this. I’ve held this person’s secrets for a very long time. Bankruptcy, repossessed cars, bounced checks, swindled employees…. maybe my secret keeping is what allows a con like this to be successful? This person was so good in garnering my sympathy that I suspended all good sense for the better part of two years. I turned a blind eye to signs that no one else would have missed.
What infuriates me about this most of all isn’t that I’ll lose friends that I care about. I know I will and that’s a risk I took when I did the right thing for those children. I didn’t remove children from a house. I didn’t track anyone down. I gavenon-custodialial parent (who incidentally was the only parent not in jail and remains the only parent not on probation) a phone number to call. If the children were “taken away” it was by a judge AND by the felonious parent’s actions, not by anyone else’s.
The thing about losing these friends? I think they’re being taken for a ride as I was.
I’m stunned that something so otherworldly has entered my life. I feel like I opened my front door and laid out a welcome mat for evil. The most upsetting part of all is that I feel like I can’t trust my own instincts. That sucks.
UPDATE: Today (May 28, 2013) she was sentenced to 2 years and 8 months in state prison. According to someone who was at the courthouse it was a probation violation for forgery. She had continued her old antics of writing checks on closed accounts, renting furniture and never returning it… the usual. There was a line of witnesses but the judge stopped it and sentenced her They say she’ll likely end up serving a year or so in LA County Jail and there are new charges pending. The judge said, “You had a sweetheart jail and you messed up.” My assumption is that this refers to the two convictions for 476A(A) of the California Penal Code that she was convicted of on September 30, 2011 and not the four counts of the same that were either dismissed or not prosecuted on Februray 7, 2012.
People are commenting on this story and feeling badly for the kids. I am relieved for the kids. They’ve been moving in and out of houses every few weeks for years now. They’ve been driving in stolen cars and living with a mother who is paranoid that the world is out to get her. I think a year (oh how I wish it actually would be 2 years and 8 months) without their mother’s criminal influence will be good for them. And I say that as someone who had come to love those children.
SECOND UPDATE: I never tried to kill her dog. That I even have to write that sentence is ludicrous.
2015 Criminal Conviction court documents: Criminal Case Summary Lolita Carrico 2015
2011 Criminal Conviction court documents: Criminal Case Summary 2011 Lolita Carrico
Didn’t show up to court when Unlimited Reprographics tried to collect their debt.
Kenny Tan represented Lolita Carrico when Brian Kim was evicting her in 2008 and 2009. In May of 2009 a bench warrant was ordered and bail set at $7,689 after she failed to appear in court when Kenny Tan then sued her.
Still not paying rent launching new websites – be careful with
Civil Court cases in Los Angeles only:
2/25/02 Stanley Mosk Courthouse case number 02M04741
Buckingham Nannies v Lolita Carrico. Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico for $1,890 plus fees.
06/16/2004 Stanley Mosk Courthouse case number 04M09774
Food Fedish v Lolita Carrico. Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico for $1,022.32 plus fees.
09/29/2005 Inglewood Courthouse case number 05W02092
Midway Rent a Car v Lolita Carrico. Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico for $922.80 plus fees.
Running Total: $2,791.48
10/14/2005 Stanley Mosk Courthouse Case Number: 05M16836
BILL ROBERTSON & SONS VS CARRICO, LOLITA. Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico in the amount of $179.73 plus fees.
12/19/2005 Stanley Mosk Courthouse case number 05U14805
Park La Brea v Lolita Carrico – Unlawful Detainer – dismissed without prejudice
01/18/2006 Stanley Mosk Courthouse Case Number: 06M00167
CONTINENTAL CURRENCY SERVICES, VS CARRICO, LOLITA. Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico in the amount of $2,500
01/19/2006 Stanley Mosk Courthouse Case Number: 06M00727
CONTINENTAL CURRENCY SERVICES VS CARRICO, LOLITA. Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico in the amount of $1,669.78 plus costs.
01/24/2006 Inglewood Courthouse Case Number: 06SX0130
ZIVICH, ELAINE VS CARRICO, LOLITA. Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico in the amount of $5,000.00 plus costs.
Running Total: $12,140.99
01/26/2006 Stanley Mosk Courthouse case number 06K00896
LA Commercial Group Inc v Modern Mom, Lolita Carrico. Bench warrant issued 4/20/2007 Judgment satisfied 3/2/2009
01/31/2007 Inglewood Courthouse case number 07C00254
The Reagan Group v Modern Mom, Lolita Carrico. Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico for $22,646.92 plus interest.
08/31/2007 Stanley Mosk Courthouse case number 07M11515
Robert Michaelis v Lolita Carrico. Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico for $7,483.75 plus fees.
10/16/2007 Stanley Mosk Courthouse Case Number: BC379151
WACHOVIA BANK NA VS MODERN MOM INC ET AL. Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico in the amount of $35,783.85.
Running Total: $78,055.51
12/03/2007 Stanley Mosk Courthouse Case Number: BS112247
BROOKS PIERCE MCLENDON HUMPHREY & LEONARD LLP VS LOLITA CARRICO. Judgment entered for the plaintiffs in the amount of $30,606.00
06/09/2008 Burbank Courthouse Case Number: EC042725
BRIAN KIM VS. LOLITA CARRICO evictionSara Hutter v Lolita Carrico. Judgment entered for the plaintiffs in the amount of $1,822.00 plus fees.
10/10/2008 Van Nuys Courthouse West Case Number: 08E13260
BROOK FURNITURE RENTAL INC. VS MODERN MOM INC. Judgment entered for plaintiff, no dollar amount shown.
10/31/2008 Van Nuys Courthouse East case number 08V08664
HUTTER, SARA VS CARRICO, LOLITA. Judgment entered for the plaintiffs, amount unknown
12/10/2008 Van Nuys Courthouse East case number 08V11083
Timothy Gordon DBA A Better Way to Move v Lolita Carrico. Judgment entered for the plaintiffs in the amount of $2909.15 plus fees.
02/04/2009 Van Nuys Courthouse East case number 09V00735
Garcia Home Services v Lolita Carrico. Judgment entered for the plaintiffs in the amount of$175.00 plus costs.
04/10/2009 Van Nuys Courthouse East case number 09B02210
BG Hortense LLC v Lolita Carrico. Bench warrant issued 05/21/2010
10/02/2009 Van Nuys Courthouse East case number 09V06786
GO JUNK FREE AMERICA!, INC. VS CARRICO, LOLITA. Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico for $1,785.00 plus costs.
Running Total: $115,352.66 plus fees and interest
02/26/2010 Van Nuys Courthouse East case number 10V01530
HORIZON FOODS VS CARRICO, LOLITA. Judgment entered for Horizon in the amount of $1,555.00 plus costs.
09/01/2010 Alhambra Courthouse Case Number: 10SG1797
SMGM CORP VS CARRICO, LOLITA J. Judgment entered for SMGM in the amount of $2,501.07
10/22/2010 Beverly Hills Courthouse case number 10C04510
ROSENBERG & KOFFMAN, VS CARRICO,LOLITA. Judgment entered for the plaintiffs in the amount of $7,478.33 plus fees and costs.
11/19/2010 Van Nuys Courthouse East case number 10V07678
TOWN & COUNTRY EVENT RENTALS INC. Judgment entered for the plaintiffs in the amount of$2,409.08 plus costs.
12/01/2010 Van Nuys Courthouse East case number 10V07794
INVISIBLE FENCE WEST COAST VS CARRICO, LOLITA. Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico for $1,514.00 plus costs.
12/28/2010 Van Nuys Courthouse East Case Number: 10V08116
YOUNGBLOOD, ADRIAN VS CARRICO, LOLITA J. Judgment entered for the plaintiffs in the amount of $835.00
02/03/2011 Van Nuys Courthouse East Case Number: 11V00725
GRAYR, VICTOR VS CARRICO, LOLITA J. Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico in the amount of $1,381.64
5/4/2011 Van Nuys Courthouse East case number 11V02732
24 MOVING VS CARRICO, LOLITA. Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico for $2,877.25 plus costs.
12/18/2013 Van Nuys Courthouse West case number 13V10028
FOUR PAWS DAY CARE INC. VS CARRICO, LOLITA. Judgment entered for the plaintiffs in the amount of $1,103.75 plus costs.
02/03/2015 Santa Monica Courthouse Case Number: 15R00660
SCOTT PROPERTIES GROUP, INC. VS CARRICO, LOLITA. Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico for $16,342.00 plus the return of property
09/09/2015 Santa Monica Courthouse Case Number: 15R04715
KLEIN, ALLYSON VS CARRICO, LOLITA Judgment entered against Lolita Carrico for $12,850.00 plus the return of property
As of 2015, Lolita Carrico had judgments against her in the amount of at least $166,199.78 plus fees in Los Angeles plus multiple evictions.
June 2019: Stephen Grenne v Lolita Carrico
October 2018: Someone else lost money to her David Hughes v Lolita Carrico
May 2019: Lolita Carrico is being sued again
Wow! This sounds horrible! I feel for the kids and I hope they are safe and are going to stay that way.
Jessica – I’m so sorry you are going through this, but you’ve done the right thing. Has this hit the newspaper in any way yet?
I think you can still trust your own instincts. Sounds like you need to actually listen to them, though, and not ignore them in the face of manipulation.
As someone who knows you and your family on a personal level, outside of this community, this post makes me so sad.
Sad that you could possibly be considered the villian when you made a decision based on what was best for those kids. PERIOD. I would have 100% done the same thing. No question.
As you know, my business is also owed money by this person. Money is money, whatever. But being lead to believe this person was someone I could trust and find out I was wrong? You said it- that sucks.
It hurts when friends leave you and you were the one doing the right thing. I have been there. The pain is real and you start to question your own reasoning. Just know that I trust you and believe you did the right thing. You had a big heart and this person took advantage. I’m so sorry you have to go through this :(
So let me give you a big pat on the back, sister. People are just going to have to be mad. People don’t like things to get shaken up, and sometimes they blame the one who shouldn’t take it, because it’s easier. Grifters are hardwired to con people who will fight for them, and they pick people like you and me, because we will. I have my own story with someone like this and I know how crazy it feels to stand in front of your friends and say “this person, it turns out is a criminal and may be dangerous too, don’t talk to them anymore”, when you were just having wine with them and doing business and BFFs with them two weeks ago.
Whatever about all that – the evil would be not to do your part to fix what’s broken. Good for you for being willing to go to war for a child, even if people get mad.
She weaseled her way into your life, and you found out the hard way what this person truly is. Unfortunately the “friends” you lost will have to do the same. You can keep your head held high knowing you did the right thing for the innocent people involved. They deserve an honest parent. Friends who would abandon you when you are trying to do what you believe is right were never really friends to begin with.
Wow! You did the right thing, no matter what anyone may think. I’m sorry for all the people that have been hurt by this person, especially you and your family!
It does suck. Sometimes it happens though because we want to be good people and help others. I believe you so did the right thing. Whatever the situation, the children should be with the other parent if the custodial parent was tossed into jail. I am sorry all this happened to you.
If people were scammed or know what kind of a person she is are sticking up for her, they are bad people too. Don’t worry about what they say or think of you, just steer clear of them too. Sticking up for evil makes you evil, and sticking up for a bad woman at the expense of the kids is just so beyond anything, who are these people that think the con-artist mother is more important than reuniting innocent children with a more stable parent??
I’d say you are lucky- anyone who criticizes you is practically wearing a sandwich board that shouts out “I’m not trustworthy either! Avoid me!”
Or one that says, “I’ve been duped. Which is probably most accurate. “
Seriously, I hate that gang mentality. I’ve been there before with a close friend. Sometimes, you don’t want to accept that this person is doing something bad. You can literally make excuses for them, about them, in your head. But something in your values and morals will get triggered eventally. Honestly, it seems like people don’t really stand up for anything anymore. Almost like everyone wants to fight for the bad guy and not the good guy. I have a REALLY bad problem trusting anyone. I’m around too many people that lie, cheat, etc. (work) When I was told about this person that you are talking about, it all made sense to me. I want to shout at these people in your inner circle, “She is a fucking criminall. Do you want her children to get in the hands of social services? What if you were the victim?” Ok, stepping down from my soapbox now…..but if you ever have a question about any other “situations” like this, let me know…..
I’m sorry. It sounds like you did the right thing and honestly if these friends are going to believe these stories (even if this person(s) is a really good liar) it has to make you wonder what kind of friend they are to begin with. I’ve always firmly believed that when things start going really bad for what ever reason you find out who your real friends are.
On paper what you’re saying is right.
In reality I was one of the people who believed their lies. Hook line and sinker, so I don’t blame anyone who “sides” with her and I’ll be very understanding when they come to me later. Surely they will.
That really sucks. Sorry to hear about this. Can I ask who your awesome dog trainer is?
ooh yes! Her name is Lori Peikoff and she is somewhere beyond amazing. The problem with Lori is that she’s so good you don’t need her very long.
I am so sorry, that is just horrible :( You did the right thing! You certainly do not need people like that in your life, that is insane.
I am so sorry this happened to you! I hope your friends will see through this woman’s web of lies and come around again. Otherwise I think you did the right thing and I hope those kids have a much better life.
I, too, am a victim of a con artist. Seriously. My mom married one a few years ago, and he talked my husband and I into “doing business” with him. I now owe over $35K in back taxes for money paid to him in my name. I do not consider myself a gullible person, and I got had BIG TIME. These people do exist, and the messes that they create are huge. You absolutely did the right thing. When the smoke clears, the people who matter will see the truth and understand what happened. Good for you.
The truth will eventually be known. You did the right thing! Hang in there!
You did the right thing. Don’t beat yourself up about falling for this person’s lies. This person is pathological and pathological people are very believing because THEY believe their lies. It infuriates me that so many people have been hurt by this person
Jessica, do NOT beat yourself up. Your instincts are fine. That’s the thing with sociopaths. They can treat the world like crap and somehow make YOU look like the bad guy. That is what they do. That is what they are. My husband is also one of the few people that is immune to the power of the sociopath, so I also get what you’re feeling about not listening to his perspective. You absolutely did the right thing.
Sorry that you’re going through this. Sux. Worst of all that you’ve lost your innocence about trusting new people. As someone you don’t know that well, I would hate to think you’ll be looking at me and every other new friend with one eyebrow arched from now on, waiting for us to do something devious!
I am unfailingly trusting. I have been hurt in the past, but it’s not in my nature not to trust, not to believe. For me, living without trust would make me bitter, suspicious, and angry all the time. I’m so, SO sorry that your kindness and willingness to believe was used in such a terrible way, but in no way are you the villain. You’re the heroine. Hugs to you!
Wow, Jessica…I am so sorry you were sucked into this horrible situation. I think we all want to trust and find the good in people we meet, especially those who seem just a bit “down on their luck” for a short time.
Your heart is big and you opened it to the wrong person. Life goes on, and the true friends? They will pout a bit, but be back.
What a horrible situation. I’m so sorry to hear about this. But you should not beat yourself up. It’s so hard to know in a situation like this that you are being lied to and manipulated. Until going through this experience, how would you ever know? I had to call CPS on a friend once because I suspected her children were in danger after she told me some things about her personal life. It was a very painful decision, but I felt proud of my choice in the end. Hang in there, Jessica. You are a kind, trusting and caring person. And that’s one of the beautiful things about you.
Do you think you’re a villain? You did what felt right in your soul and was best for your family, and that’s important. Also important is doing what is best for children in general, and that’s what you were trying to do. Eventually, when the truth comes out, maybe those “friends” will come back, but maybe, at that point, you won’t need or want them anymore. Sad, but it’s a passage of life, our friends our periodically weeded out.
BTW, very well written Jess. :-) Hang in there, you did the right thing.
Lisa Vitale, Momprenuer
Do you think you’re a villain? You did what felt right in your soul and was best for your family, and that’s important. Also important is doing what is best for children in general, and that’s what you were trying to do. Eventually, when the truth comes out, maybe those “friends” will come back, but maybe, at that point, you won’t need or want them anymore. Sad, but it’s a passage of life, our friends our periodically weeded out.
BTW, very well written Jess. :-) Hang in there, you did the right thing.
Lisa Vitale, Momprenuer
I do not think you are a villian. You did nothing wrong. Personally you DID too much for this thief, but how could you have known? We are wired to see the good in people and as heartbreaking as it was, you did that. I am very sorry you are losing friends from this. What an awful thing. I hope she isn’t taking any of them for a ride, or perhaps they need to see that side in order to understand your side.
Hang in there. You did nothing wrong!
I’m so sorry you’re going through this and that those kids are, too. We’re all capable of being taken by someone who’s a con artist. We have a family member (or 2) who are great at lying and fabricating entire stories. One of them stole money from his own mother and didn’t attend her funeral. I can’t trust this person anymore, even though they’re in our lives.
Jess, I am late to the game in reading your blog and you already know how I feel. But let me put this out in writing. You were absolutely correct in your latter actions. Anyone in this market who feels otherwise will soon be calling you to commiserate when this person turns on them. The person who shall not be named scammed a lot of people in this market, she will get hers. I can promise you that.
Love you! Serena
You clearly need to read “The Sociopath Next Door,” as it seems to apply to you almost literally. It helped my bf and I start picking up the pieces and making sense of someone who did similar things to our lives.
We lived next to Grifters as well. Luckily they disappeared in the middle of the night before too much could happen. Still, it’s left us feeling stupid that we didn’t follow our instincts. We knew something wasn’t right, but we ignore the inner warnings.
Bad people live in good neighborhoods and it sucks.
Thanks for the update, Jessica. It’s great she’s off the streets, and her con-game is at least paused. Sadly, I suspect she’ll immediately return to her old tricks once she gets out – in another unsuspecting neighborhood, with a new set of friends and unsuspecting mothers with nothing but trust and warmth in their hearts – which she will rob them of, too.
I was in the same position as Mr. G – trying to help my wife understand that while she was ‘good company’, she was absolutely Not a ‘good person’. Too often we mistake the one for the other. I have met some very engaging crooks over the years – it’s one of the tools of their trade.
And there’s no shame in being duped. As worldly as I am, I defended her to the dog-breeder, and referred her to an extremely dear friend, a lawyer who waived his retainer (unbeknownst to me) based upon his relationship with me. Naturally, he was robbed of $10,000 adding to the dog-breeder’s $3,000, and my wife’s $1,000 loan – ‘repaid’, with a check on a closed account.
Yes, there is such a thing as ‘evil’. I regret we both met her, and hope those who still support her (despite the mountains of evidence) will finally ‘get it’ and give her the distance she needs – about a light-year.
A lot of people were duped. I don’t hold it against anyone who trusted her.
I’m just not going to keep her secrets anymore and no one will pay me off to take down these facts so that she can gather more victims.
I completely agree. Keeping quiet about her makes me feel like an accomplice in her next theft.
Just you posting this is going to save at least 1 more person a load of heartache.
It’s hard to be the one who speaks out when everyone else is still trying to rationalize away their own red flags.
Hi. Lolita is pure evil. My husband was scammed by her. We lost so much money. I do not feel bad that her kids got taken away from her. The kids lives are too important to live with such a sick person. She was very good at her sob stories. She cries and makes you look bad when you never did anything wrong. I hope her children grow up knowing what she is and what not to be like. I’m so happy she is in prison but a year is not long enough. I hope when she gets out people that know her can track where she ends up and protect her potential next victims.
An update. Lolita moved to Santa Monica/Venice a couple years ago and has been pulling the same crap. Rented an apartment from some people counting on the money for personal expenses and of course paid zip. She then “leased” our apartment by giving a doctored credit report to our stupid RE agents and pretended to pay with wire transfers (on a disallowed bank account) that were frauds. No rent paid, and it took $8k to get her out. Appears she has joint custody of her luckless children who now are enrolled in SM schools. She is due for a court hearing at 8 a.m. Jan 30 at 11701 S. La Cienega, LA 90045. Will forward the notice if you give me a fax number. Might be fun to gather people with similar grievances.
May I suggest contacting the LAPD Bunco-forgery division, they know her well. Sorry your friends lost money.
The detective on the case, Lisa Kimrey, seems to have access to her full file and may have participated in the previous prosecution.
I would love the opportunity to speak with you on the phone.
Would that be possible?
Sure. Leave a comment with your number and I’ll call you. Or check my about me page and find it there.
How am I only finding this now? She scammed us out of thousands of dollars beginning in July 2015 when she moved in and never paid a dime in rent after that. I had hired someone to rent my house for me as I was living abroad. Obviously, he didn’t do his job because after she moved in, all the weird excuses started popping up, it took me one minute to see she was a serial deadbeat renter and had been evicted at least 9 times at that point. She’s an awful human being and I feel terrible for her kids. How can she look people in the eyes? How can she keep doing this and why is she not behind bars? How does she have a website and 20k followers on Instagram? I wonder what kind of fraud she is up to now? I’m having to rent my house again and all the pain from the past has resurfaced.
Oh no, I’m so sorry.
Every so often I think I should take this down, that people are entitled to redemption and then I remember that she stole from retired people who really didn’t have time left to recoup their losses.
The thing is, if she had stopped being an awful human and had stopped defrauding people out of thousands of dollars, I would say, sure, take down this post. However, the fact that she is STILL doing this to honest people, her name NEEDS to be attached to all of this. I don’t understand why she’s not in prision.
She has two PPP loans out, taken in March and April 2021, and it looks like fraud. Over 40K.
Why do you say it looks like fraud? Can you elaborate?