I’m cleaning (so dumb to clean for teenagers) and baking a cake. You see Jane and I were looking at Facebook together and saw that Ross Sveback had made a beautiful candy corn cake and Jane asked me to make it for her and then proceeded to dance around the house declaring that she has the best birthday ever and it’s at the perfect time of year and she loves her life.
It would have been bad timing for me to say no.
I’d planned to make the cake this morning and frost it this afternoon. We all know what happens when you plan..
I got the kids to school, ran through the market and put the eggs, butter and cream cheese out to warm to room temperature. I dashed into the office to empty my inbox and ended up glancing at an email that said something about there being lice at school. I willed myself to not panic and started chipping away at the work in front of me.
And then the phone rang and it was the school with some bad news. So I started shrieking because I’m really good at shrieking. I’m pretty sure on the other end of the phone Sue was rolling her eyes (I would have been) and when I stopped shrieking she explained to me that the donuts I’d brought for Jane’s birthday at school today were covered in ants.
I can totally handle a donut run.
So I had to find another donut shop and get to the school, and then back home for a series of phone calls and finally back to the cake which I now do not have time to bake so it will wait for the evening while the batter rests.
And most of all I don’t even have time to put this banner on my sidebar but I’m so excited that I’m popping it up right here in a post while I get my shit together.
Now I’ve got a 13 year old to spoil. It’s my last day ever to spoil a 13 year old daughter.
I want to see a picture of your cake!
That cake looks amazing!! I hope your daughter had a fantastic birthday :) And a speaking gig in Australia? AWESOME!!!