Hi all, this will be the first of what will hopefully be a weekly post full of tech tips.
With over 10 years of an online presence I’ve had to find free and easy ways to maximize both my time and energy. At this very moment there are 136 unread email messages in my inbox and I’m not worried about. Why?
Gmail has filters, use them.
Do you get a weekly email from your child’s school? How about press releases (I get about 30 of those a day)? Let’s create a quick filter together.
First logon to gmail, click the settings tab up at the top right part of the screen
Next select filters
Then at the bottom of the screen it will say “create a new filter“.
I’ve added “press release” where it says “has words” thus creating the actual filter
On the next page I have it skip my inbox, go straight into the archives and into a filter marked “press releases”.
You can do this for any sort of communication that is thematic, but isn’t spam. Now, when I’m looking for something to write about I can scroll through the press releases, which have skipped my inbox, and look for something that interests me.
They’ll be in the lower left column, below your contacts. Each filter will be clearly marked and all of these emails will have bypassed your mobile devices (PDA, Blackberry and iPhone).
Jessica — thanks for this. We all under-use the resources available to us and need to be reminded to take full advantage of what we’ve got. (Wow, that was deep, wasn’t it? And I thought I was only talking aboug gmail!)
Or, “about gmail,” if we’re going to spell correctly.
I think a lot of people are going to find this useful! Thanks, Jessica.
I love Gmail. :) Thanks for the walk-through. If it doesn’t come through my inbox though, I won’t see it. That is more of a ‘me’ problem though.
More than Gmail, I adore Google Reader. Best RSS Reader out there!
That’s a very helpful tip. I like this new feature!
Can you do eBay tips one day soon? Pretty please? I have a bunch of stuff to sell…
Hey Jessica! Does it still work that way if you forward your emails to another account? Do they all get forwarded or do you have to go back into gmail to read the specific emails that weren’t? Make any sense? I’m still using my hotmail account and have everything forwarded…I’m a tough nut to crack once I get used to something.
Good gosh, I didn’t know about this. Going to filter my mail today. Wonder if it can filter “relatives that annoy” properly? ;)
I am SOOOOOO checking in every Tuesday. I have no idea how to anything BUT write…and I look forward to learning more about twitter, facebook, getting readers, etc. etc. Thank you thank you.
Dear Jessica,
Please move here and do all this techie stuff for me. All I want to do is write. They pay for being my techie right hand sucks, but the food and drink are great. And the company isn’t half bad.
I’ve been reading your articles and I like the way you think. I’m going to tell my friends about your blog