I’m not with the oil drilling.
But I’m with Sarah Palin on everything else.
My husband screamed at the TV and added funny ridiculous commentary. My daughter couldn’t stop guffawing and slapping her thigh:
That man [Rudy Guiliani] talks like Daffy Duck
Yes, from my sensitive child who had speech therapy 3 times a week for many years.
I’ll admit things here are little fucked up, but I’ve got a plan. My darling Husband has gets to go to work tomorrow. I, however, will have the children alone for several hours. The convention is on Tivo. We’ll hit the high points and I’ll properly educate the kids while he labors.
HA! I have educated my sons properly about the difference between the 2 parties, too! What a coincidence.
I agree with you on the oil drilling. I watched Sarah’s speech last night and was impressed. I wish I had thought to Tivo it so I could watch it with the kids. They were able to watch all the Democratic speeches because they weren’t in school yet. I was reminded last night why I am a registered Republican.
In your several hour session with the kids, be sure to explain to them how they (and their children) will be paying for Bush’s war – the one that JSM wants to continue for the next hundred years.